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Stories We Need to Know:

Reading Your Life Path in Literature


This works uncovers the six developmental milestones of personal development, as revealed in 3,000 years of the world’s finest literature. The same six milestones appear, always in the same order, always serving the same function. I argue that this shows that this is a deep structure of the psyche, something people have known intuitively for thousands of years - and therefore it can be a road map for how we can live our best lives.

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Write Your Memoir:

The Soul Work of Telling Your Life Story


Writing your memoir will change the way you see your life. The trouble is that most people don’t know how to stay with the task or sort out what’s important. Based on the highly successful workshops taught at the Blue Hills Writing Institute, this book will guide you through the process - and help you discover the riches within you that you’ve probably forgotten about.


The Six Archetypes of Love


Most of us are confused by love, and falling in love can only add to the upset.  So - who are you when you’re in love? Which archetype will you choose to live? These six archetypes are the developmental mlestones described in ‘Stories We Need to Know’, explained in terms of what it is we need to know about loving others. Knowing about them can lead us to find the core of a love that is constantly maturing and growing.


Prince, Frogs and Ugly Sisters;

The Grimm Brothers’ Healing Tales


The Grimm brothers’ tales are not just disposable items for small children at bedtime.  Many contain deep wisdom that can tell us how to live our best lives if we read them carefully. This book explores this topic—and it’s very different from the ‘happily ever after’ myth that Disney has given us.


The Path of Synchronicity


Sometimes things just happen, dovetailing effortlessly.  What does this mean for how we encounter our world?  What does it tell us when we strive valiantly, to no result? Making sense of this, which some people simply call ‘luck’ is an important step if we are to live in harmony with our world, and tune into the finest aspects of who we are.

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Spiritual Hunger


Our world is fun of people who are hungry for a meaningful existence, but who find only the junk-food of commercialism. In this book we’ll discover that there’s plenty of good nutritious food for our souls - if we take the opportunity to look for it. If you seek a life of meaning and wonder, then this is the book for you.


Gratitude and Beyond


We all know about gratitude, and how being grateful can change the quality of our lives.  But how about if something horrible happens?  Can anyone be grateful for that? The book examines the transformative power of radical gratitude, and shows us a new way to live more happily in our world.

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The Sanity Manual


This is a book of writing exercises that I’ve used for thirty years to help clients overcome blockages and find new ways of being. All the exercises have been tested, and they all work. Each exercise has extensive explanations so that you can place your response within meaningful context. If we take the trouble to check in with ourselves by doing such exercises, then we can help to keep ourselves sane in a crazy world.

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Life Passages


We all go through various passages of life’s changes.  Sometimes they’re bewildering. This is a book of writing prompts designed to help us through those difficult and demanding times of life. It’s arranged by topic. In every case it suggests a variety of exercises we can do to explore and reveal our emotions, and it does so in a way that allows the reader to put his or her response into a meaningful context.


From Coastal Command To Captivity;

The Memoir of a Second World War Airman


This is the book I worked on with my father, a PTSD sufferer who had been a POW for almost four years in Nazi Germany. Writing it brought him to a place of peace, his demons quieted. It is a moving study of how we are sometimes forced to confront our past, and what rewards this can ultimately provide.


Joseph Conrad and the Ethics of Darwinism


This in-depth study shows that Joseph Conrad was highly attuned to the discussions of his era about non-white races encountered during colonial expansions. His contemporaries manipulated Darwin’s findings to show the supposed ‘inferiority’ of other races; Conrad - Polish by birth and no stranger to racial prejudice - persisted in asking penetrating questions about what it was that was being assumed, and why.

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How They Met


This is a novel about how people ‘meet’ at different levels and at different times of their lives, and sometimes this proves to be too confusing for them. Finding a way forwards, and way back to trust, is at the center of this book.

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